Mawa Īsa stands as one of the first and only white men to receive in-depth initiations and training with the elder generation of the Yawanawá shamans of the Amazon.
Being among the first and only white individuals to undergo extensive initiations and training with the elder Yawanawá shamans in the Amazon. Mawa Isā resided in the Yawanawa village for over a decade, he learned under the tutelage of the last great Master pajés, Tata, who entrusted Mawa with long-lost knowledge, language, songs, and healing secrets from the pre-contact era.
Pajé Tata guided Mawa Isā through the most rigorous training & dietas for many years, until the day of Tata’s passing.
Mawa possesses a profound understanding of Yawanawa tradition, culture, and ceremonies, a rarity among non-indigenous people.
Renowned for his handcrafted Rapé tobacco medicine and broad knowledge of Amazonian songs, he imparts teachings of Yawanawa Saiti chants through his online school and organizes international retreats for in-depth study.

Mawa is also skilled in and provides the shamanic healing bodywork method of Lo Ban Pai.
Residing now in the enchanting North of Sweden with his family, including wife Anna Maria and daughter Miranda Aurora, Mawa continues to share his rich experiences and wisdom.